The funding spectrum is broadly based and designed to last.
The focus is on supporting children and young people.

Promoting equal opportunities

By providing easy access and a fairer opportunity to participate, we are improving equal opportunities across Europe. We are committed to ensuring that participation of children and young people in society and their successful education does not depend on their social background.

International and intercultural understanding

We stand for an open, tolerant and fair society, which we help to develop on various levels for the benefit of all. The basis for this is intercultural exchange, which enables young people to experience each other’s cultures and ways of life, because after all, communication encourages interest and mutual understanding, and ultimately even prevents conflicts.

Children concentrate on tasks in a classroom.
A girl does language exercises with an adult.
  • The priorities of the RWE Foundation are:
3 young people are sitting at a desk with their laptops while chatting.
Adult volunteers pack up boxes with donations for charity.