Logo of Fritz Bauer Forum

Learning from history for societal unity

The aim of the Fritz Bauer democracy project is to strengthen inner democratic values and create a sustainable place for artistic and social values. The project, directed at adolescents and apprentices with immigration backgrounds, includes workshops held with artists teaching civil rights history and Fritz Bauer’s biography. Fritz Bauer was a political National Socialist refugee concerning himself with the development of democracy.

Project participants get to listen to nazi survival stories in the interactive Fritz Bauer library, with the purpose of aiding personal inspiration to be used in subsequent artistic workshops. The resulting art mirroring participant’s own feelings regarding their unique backgrounds will be exhibited as part of the Fritz Bauer forum opening.

Focus of foundation: International and intercultural understanding
Target group: Young people

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Project time frame:
May 2024 until May 2025

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Total funding amount:
49,000.00 €

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Project location:
Bochum (Germany)


Strengthening of inner democratic values

Contact details

Fritz Bauer Forum
Feldmark 107
44803 Bochum

www.fritz-bauer-forum.de →