Logo of Unviersitätsmedizin Essen - Westdeutsches Tumorzentrum Essen

Sport, therapy and rehabilitation for more self-confidence

The project “Together in Motion” aims to create a place of inclusivity in the form of a common playground for children with and without disabilities. It is the only facility of its kind in the region, looking after disabled children and young adults from birth onwards until the age of 25 years. The rehabilitation, education, and care centre in Suwałki, Poland creates a family-like environment with the new, accessible playground making up the heart of the facility.

On the weekends, children without disabilities may visit the playground too, thus providing the disabled children with the opportunity of actively spending time with peers, thereby promoting their self-confidence and self-esteem. “Together in Motion” hence goes beyond conventional therapy. 

Focus of foundation: Equal opportunities
Target group: Children and young people

Icon: Calendar

Project time frame:
July 2024 until June 2027

Icon: Stacked coins

Total funding amount:
110,000.00 €

Icon: Location marker

Project location:
Suwałki (Poland)


Strenghtening the physical emotional and social development of disabled children and young people

Contact details

Polish Association for People with Intellectual Disability
Bród Nowy 15,
16-402 Suwałki

psoni.suwalki.pl →