Logo of Ruhr Kunst Museen

Inspiring children collectively with creativity and language development

The project “Ruhr-Art Moves” (in German “RuhrKunstbewegt”), aims to transform museums from the 21 museums that together form the RuhrArtMuseum network into an exciting place sparking self-expression and cultural participation in children. The museum network, spread across 16 cities in the Ruhr area, Germany, actively develops educational programmes for children and teenagers from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. The participants from nursery schools, schools, and youth leisure centres get to choose different pieces of art from the museums and reinterpret those pieces in the shape of a new art form.

During this process, the children are supported by qualified professionals. Giving art new life opens children up to new perspectives of not only themselves, but the world as a whole and simultaneously fosters language comprehension. At the end of the project, the created art pieces become part of an exhibition open to the public. 

Focus of foundation: Equal opportunities
Target group: Children and young people

Icon: Calendar

Project time frame:
January 2024 until August 2026

Icon: Stacked coins

Total funding amount:
758,510.00 €

Icon: Location marker

Project location:
Ruhr area (Germany)


Enabling cultural participation and fostering language skills

Two women sit at a desk and sign contracts.
8 people stand with 2 cardboard stands and a statue in the foyer of a museum and hold a poster with the inscription: Funding approval - RuhrKunstbewegt

Contact details

Förderverein RuhrKunstMuseen e.V.
Museumsplatz 1
45128 Essen

ruhrkunstmuseen.com →