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Prevention instead of addiction in Spain

The ”Prevention is living” programme intends to teach children and adolescents self-regulation and how to make responsible and informed decisions regarding their health in order to not only recognise risk of addiction, but prevent it.

The programme is open to children and adolescents aged six to eighteen coming from a background with a risk of addiction in the region of Aragon, Spain. They benefit from psychosocial care as well as leisure outdoor activities which are available during weekends and holidays. Moreover, teachers are taught by psychologists and social workers how to recognise patterns of addiction risks early on and take appropriate preventative measures.

Focus of foundation: Equal opportunities
Target group: Children, young people, and their families

Icon: Calendar

Project time frame:
September 2024 until August 2027

Icon: Stacked coins

Total funding amount:
230,467.00 €

Icon: Location marker

Project location:
Barbastro/Monzón (Spain)


Preventing addiction through intervention

Three women sit at a table with microphones infront of them. A smartphone is recording the scene.
Two women are holding a blue poster in the shape of a puzzle. It reads ‘Prevention is living’.

Contact details

Cáritas Diocesana Barbastro-Monzón
C/ Joaquín Costa, 33
22400/ Monzón

caritasbarbastromonzon.es →