Logo of #netzTalente

From intercultural understanding to democratic values

The project “#networkTalents” (in German “#netzTalente”) aims to put students from Spain, France, the Czech Republic, and Germany in touch, so that they may share their unique cultural beliefs and values, and subsequently learn from each other.

This aims to promote not only social, but also intercultural awareness and knowledge. The specific project offerings intend to help young students deal with the issues of hate speech and spreading of misinformation in order for adequate democratic morals to be obtained - together. This takes place under supervision of the children’s teachers, who are trained on how to utilise all digital tools required adequately. The students moreover benefit from individual workshops and regular meetings, so that personal experiences may be shared, discussed, and continuous process improvement can prevail. 

Focus of foundation: International and intercultural understanding
Target group: Young people

Icon: Calendar

Project time frame:
January 2024 until December 2026

Icon: Stacked coins

Total funding amount:
671,750.00 €

Icon: Location marker

Project locations:
Online, cities in the German Ruhr area, and different European countries


Increase intercultural exchange and awareness with help of democratic values

Contact details

Stiftung TalentMetropole Ruhr gGmbH
Bochumer Straße 86
45886 Gelsenkirchen

talentmetropoleruhr.de →