Logo of IMC Weekendschool

Revealing future interests

The project “Motivated to Succeed” aims to implement innovative workshops delivered by guest-speakers with successful careers into the Dutch educational system, so that more students may be inspired and encouraged. The Weekendschool offers the workshops to children aged 10 to 14, regardless of their ethnicity or socioeconomic backgrounds. This way, young children are given the opportunity of gaining an insight into all kinds of working environments, ranging from medicine, journalism, to law, philosophy and even entrepreneurship. Through this, the children may identify their own personal interests to be pursued in the future. 

Focus of foundation: Equal opportunities
Target group: Children and young people

Icon: Calendar

Project time frame:
January 2024 until August 2026

Icon: Stacked coins

Total funding amount:
450,000.00 €

Icon: Location marker

Project location:
60 different locations in the Netherlands


Promoting future prospects for young people

Two men sit at a table and sign contracts.
A man explains a prehistoric skull to two girls.
Two girls examine the skull of an animal.

Contact details

IMC Weekendschool
Strawinskylaan 719,
A7, Amsterdam

imcweekendschool.nl →