The TABALiNGO logo features stylised figures representing sport and culture, surrounded by the text 'Sport & Kultur - integrativ'.

Holiday leisure activities for everyone

Operating under the slogan “Culture and Exercise without pressure to perform”, the organisation “TABALiNGO” aims to offer an inclusive holiday programme with leisure activities for anyone, whether disabled or not. TABALiNGO’s project “Inclusive Holiday Activities for Children and Young People With and Without Disability” (in German “Inklusive Ferienprojekte für Kinder und Jugendliche mit und ohne Behinderung”) provides 250-300 children and young people with the opportunity to visit approx. 35 different inclusive holiday projects during the summer and autumn breaks.

The target group for this primarily consists of disabled children, but also includes children from a socially disadvantaged and/or immigrant background. Thus, individuality becomes normality, disadvantages often experienced by the disabled children are overcome, and equal opportunities are achieved.

Programme activities range from archery, film crews, graffiti, wheel sports (including wheelchair driving) etc., so that there is something for everyone and all kinds of different talents and interests can be promoted. Moreover, with many of the project supervisors being of international origin, a language- and intercultural exchange between them and participants may also take place.

Focus of foundation: Equal opportunities
Target group: Children and Young people

Project overview

A simple turquoise calendar icon featuring two top tabs and lines for days.

Project time frame:
August 2024 until October 2024

Three stacked coins in turquoise design representing a symbolic money theme.

Total funding amount:
38,000.00 €

The image features a turquoise location pin symbol with a simple, clear design.

Project location:
Stolberg (Germany)


Inclusive holiday leisure activities for people with and without disability 

Contact details

TABALiNGO Sport & Kultur integrativ e.V.
Hastenrather Sraße 101
52224 Stolberg
Germany →